Zdravstveni dom dr. Adolfa Drolca, Maribor, thank you for donation!
We’ve just obtained a UV-Vis spectrometer from the local community health center - Zdravstveni dom dr. Adolfa Drolca, Maribor! The device has a spectral range of 325-900nm, with a wavelength accuracy of 2nm and a precision of 1nm and will be a great addition to our collection. The package also contained a membrane pump system, which allows the analysis of flowing liquid samples. This could allow the analysis of cromatographically separated samples, which we will hopefully be able to prepare later on.
We are very thankful to Zdravstveni dom dr. Adolfa Drolca, Maribor for donated piece of equipment. Please get in touch via email if you can also help us out with a piece of labware we still need to acquire to create a functional laboratory. All your contributions will be highly appreciated!