Testing KORUZA step-by-step assembly instructions
On Friday we had our friend Mitja in the office to test KORUZA step-by-step assembly instructions. We wanted to see if someone, who knows nothing about KORUZA system, is able to build a unit from KORUZA KIT only following our step-by-step instructions. As well, we though it is necessary to get a third person feedback before sending first KITs out.
Mitja managed to build one KORUZA unit without bigger problems in approximately 7 to 8 hours. Still, we found this exercise extremely helpful since he provided us with many suggestions, including some comments about steps order and missing passages. We’ll take his feedback into consideration, make the improvements and do the testing again.
The instructions are available also in GitHub repository koruza-instructions for anyone working on KORUZA assembly to propose and push changes. Your feedback will be very appreciated and will contribute to improved quality of the instructions. Our goal is to have them as useful as possible in order to make assembly process smooth for anyone working on KORUZA system.