KORUZA at CSNDSP 2016 and Invitation for the Workshop
International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing - CSNDSP 2016 where we participated with wireless optical system KORUZA has been a superb event with a number of interesting scientific advances in the field of optical wireless communication, this being the largest event on this topic along with regular wireless signal topics.
Our paper FSO Artificial Low-cost Fog Attenuation Experiment prepared in collaboration with Dr. Benn Thomsen from UCL, is a result of experimental evaluation of the free-space optical channel in fog conditions using a low-cost free-space optical KORUZA 1.0 developed for research testbed purposes. Low-visibility conditions were simulated using an artificial fog machine and smoke flares in a 50 m PVC corridor with several bi-directional wireless optical links established at wavelengths in the 1270 nm -1550 nm range with an additional green laser based measurement system. In low visibility conditions the variation in attenuation with wavelength was found to be larger than predicted by the standard model. A new empirical model for this region has been developed and we showed that longer infra-red wavelengths are more suitable for free space optical communication as well as we introduced a novel model for extremely high fog densities. Find about more about this experiment in this blog post.
To empower researchers globally for wireless optical experimentation we are launching the second KORUZA workshop. During a week long workshop we will take participants step-by-step through assembly of KORUZA, teach them basics of 3D modeling and modification of the assembly for their own purposes and conclude with atmospheric attenuation testing in our 50 m long fog tunnel, characterizing built devices in fog and smoke.
Check the workshop programme and find out more about the workshop on this link or in the pdf invitation. You can sign up for the workshop via email or at Fabrikor. Get in contact if you require more info.