Universal unipolar motor driver for KORUZA
Nearing the release of KORUZA 1.0 wireless optical system the standalone system modules are nearing completion. Automated alignment uses low-cost 24BYJ48-03 stepper motors, similar to more popular 28BYJ48 ones. The control system following our modular electronics approach has been developed to implement standalone functions for maximal reuse in many different projects.
The lack of a low-cost stepper controller designed for use with the low-cost motors has motivated us to implement an universal solution with minor optimizations for use in KORUZA. Standalone unipolar motor driver has a number of welcome features:
- driving 3 unipolar stepper motors 28BYJ48 or 24BYJ48 with suitable JST connectors
- support for 6 end-switches, two which can be directly attached to the PCB without cables, such that control board can be positioned in a corner of the moving object.
- support for 3 encoders for closed-loop control in high-precision systems
- based on Texas Instruments MSP430G2955 in Energia environment
- UART, I2C and SPI interfaces for receiving the control commands
- unified serial connector for all interfaces
- STATUS: operational prototype
Micro-controller has been chosen based on cost and pin number as well as availability in a sufficiently friendly package, however increasing the software development effort. Current revision has been tested wit custom Energia code, however we aim to port to it GRBL firmware and thus make it directly interfacable from computer.
Alternative applications discovered thus-far for the controller board are listed below. We are always looking for ideas and people who would like to use it in their system, do ge tin touch:
- 3D printer auto bed-levelling system
- open-source microscope automation system
- optics lab micrometer drive motorization
- mini 3D printers and robots
Sources are in the process of release to IRNAS Universal Unipolar Stepper Controller Github